Representing Clients Who Are Seeking Out-Of-State Collections
The concept of a shrinking world is largely driven by technological advances. Through the Internet, individuals can search for jobs or even take a virtual tour of a property they would like to purchase from several states away — or across an ocean. The ease of moving, unfortunately, adds a new layer of complexity to various legal processes. A domestication of judgment lawyer can provide legal assistance no matter what issue you face.
Collecting In One State On A Judgment In Another
If you have successfully obtained a judgment in one state, collecting monetary compensation from outside of the state can become cumbersome due to your physical presence outside the jurisdiction of the judgment. In simple terms, if you obtained a judgment in a California court against an individual who owes you money, and then either you or the defendant moved to Florida, there is a legal process that needs to be followed to ensure you can still collect the money you are owed. This is referred to as domesticating a judgment.
What Is The Uniform Enforcement Of Foreign Judgments Act?
For more than 25 years, the attorneys at Korshak & Associates, P.A., have represented individuals and businesses who face complex collection efforts across state lines. The Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act (typically referred to as the Act) provides clarification regarding the domestication process. The process is straightforward, but it is crucial that the protocol must be followed. Most states, for example, have codified the Act with requirements specific to their region.
It is important to note that foreign simply refers to the fact that the judgment was obtained outside of the state where collections or enforcement will occur. It is wise to seek the counsel of an experienced lawyer who can provide guidance regarding your specific situation. Schedule a confidential consultation at our office at your convenience.
Contact Our Firm
If you have additional questions, contact Korshak & Associates, P.A. We can be reached by phone at 888-681-4389 , or by completing our convenient email form.