Obtaining a judgment against a defendant is a large enough task. But when the defendant has moved to Florida and you're practicing out of state, collecting on that judgment can be a difficult or impossible task. Collecting on a foreign judgment can be a long and...
Business Law
4 Legal issues you must consider for your business
Creating a small business is an exciting milestone in your life. However, in order to be successful, you must tackle legal issues head-on. If you neglect the necessary paperwork, you may face liabilities that could potentially put you out of...
What licenses do you need for your Florida business?
Starting a business comes with a long to-do list, from coming up with a name to creating contracts. One of the items on that list is securing the licenses and permits you need to legally do business. Their purpose is to track transactions for taxes and to protect...
How to prevent shareholder disputes
No matter the size of your company, legal battles are an inevitable part of running a business. Potential sources of lawsuits include employees, investors and clients. However, this does not mean you have no power of minimizing risk. You can do well by preventing and...
3 Myths about running a business
Entrepreneurship is a popular thing right now. More and more people are starting their own businesses and following their dreams. If you are beginning your own journey to running a small business, you may unknowingly believe some harmful myths.There is plenty of...
The difference between material and immaterial breaches of contract
It goes without saying that you can enforce a written contract much more easily than you can a verbal one. That is because a well-written contract spells out what each party agrees to do. Many contracts also often specify how, when and the manner in which each party...
Business formation types that limit personal liability
When you establish your own small business, one of the most significant steps in the process involves determining what type of business structure might be best, given your needs. While there are many considerations that typically go into making this decision, one...
What business entity is right for your business?
When you are starting your first business, you probably experience high levels of excitement, hopefulness and drive. You may want to hit the ground running to reap the rewards of success right away. Such anticipation is normal and can help you get through challenging...
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