Commercial leases help landlords lock in a source of revenue and tenants obtain reliable facilities in which they can operate. While residential leases often last for as little as a single month or a year, commercial leases tend to have a much longer overall duration....
Commercial Real Estate
Clearing real estate titles to buy, sell or pass on
When it comes to properties, buyers, sellers, or anyone who inherits property after the death of someone must ensure that there are no title issues associated with the property. What is a clear title? A title that is free of liens or levies from creditors or others...
5 common commercial leasing issues to avoid
Entering into a lease is something many business owners do. It’s an important process that you need to take seriously, because this contract may influence your business significantly for the term of the lease. There are some mistakes that potential tenants may make...
3 reasons to hire an attorney at a real estate closing
It is always a good idea to get expert advice when making a major life decision. Purchasing real estate is generally the largest financial decision we make so it makes sense to have a real estate attorney look over the documents and provide counsel during the process....
Here’s what you need for your commercial real estate closing
Once you find a commercial property that you’d like to purchase, one of the first things you’ll do is put money into escrow. You do this to show that you’re interested in the property and serious about purchasing it. After this, you’ll do your due diligence to make...
Considerations before dissolving your Florida business
If you want to file a dissolution for your Florida business, you can easily find an online form to fill out through a state website. However, once you submit the request, you cannot change or cancel it. Making a mistake can cause you some legal headaches.Therefore, it...
Legal assistance available to landlords of commercial property
Owning and leasing out commercial property in Florida or elsewhere can be very profitable. Unfortunately, landlords of commercial property do come across a number of legal issues with which they may need some assistance. An experienced real estate attorney can...
Get help with Florida commercial real estate title concerns
As the owner of a piece of real estate, have you come to find out that there is an issue with your property's title? Most commercial real estate owners in Florida and elsewhere do not find out that there is a title issue until they attempt to resell the properties or...
Commercial property owners may need help with zoning issues
Those who own commercial real estate in Florida may find that zoning issues can have a dramatic affect on what they are able to do with their properties. Fortunately, it is possible to seek a change in commercial property zoning, which can be done with the assistance...
What are the different commercial real estate lease options?
Those in Florida who are considering leasing commercial property may feel overwhelmed with everything that is involved in taking such action. This is a big -- and rather expensive -- venture, so it is understandable for potential tenants to want to ensure that they...
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