Getting people to pay what they owe isn't always easy. Most individuals who take on debt are financially responsible and make reasonable efforts to fulfill their financial obligations. Unfortunately, not everyone is assertive about fulfilling their financial...
What does it take to domesticate a debt judgment in Florida?
People move to Florida for all kinds of reasons. Many older adults move to the Sunshine State to enjoy their golden years in a pleasant environment. Professionals come to Florida in pursuit of competitive job offers. There are also some people who enter Florida...
Is pursuing wage garnishment worth the effort in Florida?
Collection activity is frustrating for an organization that just wants payment for services rendered or goods delivered. While most consumers will do everything in their power to remain in good standing in re: their financial obligations, there are always some people...
Can you enforce a judgment from another state in Florida?
Your rights in civil court depend on state law. As a business or service provider attempting to collect on an amount due, you may turn to the civil courts in the state where you provided the service or where the non-paying customer lives. When you have proof of missed...
How To Use the Uniform Enforcement of Judgments Act to Collect a Debt
When your only recourse to collect a debt that an individual or business owes you and the court rules in your favor, their payment of that judgment shouldn’t be limited by where you filed your lawsuit. If that were the case, people could just move assets around to...
Can you collect on a debt when the person who owes it dies?
Waiting for someone to repay a debt can be a frustrating experience. Some people will try to get away with paying as little as possible and drag out the process for years. You may have to track them down because they change their phone number or take them to court to...
Collecting on a judgment: Enforcement in Florida
If you run a business and win a lawsuit or if you’re involved in a lawsuit of any kind where another party isn’t paying what they owe, it’s important to look into enforcing the judgment. Normally, judgments are pretty straightforward. They state who has to pay and how...
Prepare for collection calls when a loved one dies
It is an unfortunate reality that many people these days end up dying with debt. One report published by TIME Magazine found that approximately 73 percent of Americans die with some amount of debt. The average debt a person dies with is over $61,000, which...
You’ve won a judgment. Now what?
The road to collecting on a judgment in your favor can be a long one. In some cases, it may take a while to track down the debtor if they have moved. Even if there is a known forwarding address, the more time and distance between you and the judgment can make things...
How can I collect on a debt from another state?
As anyone who has been owed money understands how difficult it can be collect on some debts. The collections process can be a difficult road to travel, and even if you win a judgment in court, actually collecting on the debt can be a different animal entirely.A prime...
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