Probate is an area of estate planning that is widely misunderstood. Many myths abound in this area of the law, and you should know how to separate fact from fiction. Have a look at these three common myths about probate and see if you know the truth. When it comes to...
4 Legal issues you must consider for your business
Creating a small business is an exciting milestone in your life. However, in order to be successful, you must tackle legal issues head-on. If you neglect the necessary paperwork, you may face liabilities that could potentially put you out of...
What licenses do you need for your Florida business?
Starting a business comes with a long to-do list, from coming up with a name to creating contracts. One of the items on that list isĀ securing the licenses and permits you need to legally do business. Their purpose is to track transactions for taxes and to protect...
3 things you should know about Florida probate law
Probate is something you may not think about at all, but it can drastically affect how your family receives and manages your assets after you die. Preparing in advance for asset management is an essential way to avoid the probate process and keep control over your...
How to prevent shareholder disputes
No matter the size of your company, legal battles are an inevitable part of running a business. Potential sources of lawsuits include employees, investors and clients. However, this does not mean you have no power of minimizing risk. You can do well by preventing and...
3 Myths about running a business
Entrepreneurship is a popular thing right now. More and more people are starting their own businesses and following their dreams. If you are beginning your own journey to running a small business, you may unknowingly believe some harmful myths.There is plenty of...
The difference between material and immaterial breaches of contract
It goes without saying that you can enforce a written contract much more easily than you can a verbal one. That is because a well-written contract spells out what each party agrees to do. Many contracts also often specify how, when and the manner in which each party...
Why do creditors come calling after someone dies?
It is difficult to cope when someone you love passes away. Not only do you miss the person, but you need to worry about estate matters. You may also be dealing with calls from debt collectors on top of all of this. If this is happening, you are probably going...
What happens to debt when someone dies?
If you have recently lost a loved one, you may be finding every day a struggle. Even if the death did not come as a surprise, coming to terms with the loss of someone close to you is difficult even under the best of circumstances. While, in the immediate aftermath of...
What happens if you die without a will in Florida?
For many people, putting off unpleasant tasks comes as a natural instinct, especially when the task in question does not seem all that urgent. Unfortunately, making a will often falls into this category. When a Florida resident dies without a will, his or her estate...
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