Sooner or later the subject of inheritance comes up in wealthy families. Parents become concerned about how inheriting large sums of money affect their children. A sit-down family discussion is not always the best way forward, and some wealthy parents get the point...
Heirs & Beneficiaries
Finding a piece of family history is a priceless discovery
When a loved one passes away, sorting out a lifetime of belongings often yields family treasures, but sometimes we overlook the most precious items. That is what happened to the family of a former Coast Guard officer, but an odd coincidence forestalled what could have...
4 strategies to prevent inheritance battles
The last thing you want is your family to squabble over your estate once you die. You do not want your relatives fighting over money and assets. Instead, you want the probate process to go as smoothly as possible. You must remember that probate litigation is...
What is undue influence?
In Florida, a will may face a challenge if allegations arise that all or some of its provisions stem from undue influence on the testator. The law surrounding this issue contains many complexities, but it can help to read through a basic outline of relevant...
When your parents die broke
Losing a parent is one of the most difficult things you may ever go through, and learning to adjust to life without your mother or father can take considerable time and effort. In addition to the emotional toll losing a parent can take on you, things may become even...
Why do creditors come calling after someone dies?
It is difficult to cope when someone you love passes away. Not only do you miss the person, but you need to worry about estate matters. You may also be dealing with calls from debt collectors on top of all of this. If this is happening, you are probably going...
Consider a trust when disinheriting a child
Estate planning involves numerous steps and variables, and what works best for one family may be quite different from what would work best for yours. For example, while others may have easy decisions about who is to get their assets when they pass on, and when, you...
Heirlooms can have value beyond just sentiment
If your family is like many others, you might have grown up with elaborate tales of keepsakes passed down through the generations. Maybe you have an artifact from a family member's service in a foreign war. Perhaps a beautiful ring has been in the family for decades....
Things to consider if you want to disinherit your child
As you start to think about your estate planning, you may consider disinheriting one-or more-of your kids. There are a lot of reasons that may cause you to think about writing one of your own children out of your will. Maybe your child is struggling with...
What the ultra-rich tell their kids about money
The process of estate planning varies broadly from one person to the next, and you may find that your estate planning needs are far different from someone who has considerably more or less than you in terms of assets.If you are particularly affluent, you may have...
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